Create Underlines in Word Without Any Text

Create Underlines in Word Without Any Text picture

To create an underline without any text in Microsoft Word, press Ctrl+U to start the underline, then, press Ctrl+Shift+space to create non-breaking spaces. Press and hol... Continue reading

Today's Computer Word: Composite

Yesterday's word - Random word

Composite picture

With a cable, a composite cable or RCA cable is an audio/video cable with yellow, red, and white connectors on each end. They connect a VCR (Video Cassette Recorder),... Continue reading

How to Connect to a Network Printer

How to Connect to a Network Printer picture

Setting up a network printer is beneficial as it allows multiple devices to print without connecting to it directly. The following sections contain steps on connecting t... Continue reading

Today in Computer History

1934 - Ralph Griswold was born.
1942 - Gary Kildall was born.
1955 - James Gosling was born.
1999 - SETI@Home, which enables users all over the world to help search for extraterrestrial intelligence was released.
1999 - The movie Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace was released.
2005 - The movie Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was released.
2010 - WebM was released.

Computer History - Computer Pioneers